Ben's other front tooth finally fell out today!! It has been hanging on by a thread for the past few days. He was biting Will's arm in the car this afternoon and his tooth came out on Will's sleeve. I guess that is what you get when you are being rude to your brother :) Ben gave the tooth to Mark, but he dropped it and now it sits somewhere under the driver's seat in my car. We cannot find it. Hopefully the Tooth Fairy can find it somewhere. This happened to Will with a tooth (he swallowed it), and he wrote a note explaining what had happened to the Tooth Fairy. Yes, the fairy came through and still left a surprise under his pillow the next morning. So, that is what Ben will need to do. He didn't remember about it tonight before he went to bed, so he'll have to do the note tomorrow.
I am so excited that it finally snowed tonight here in Salt Lake, although I'm not ready for the cold. It was so fun to watch the kids playing outside, throwing snowballs and watching Max in awe. He loved it. He had snowflakes all over his curly locks! This is really his first experience with snow because he was too little last year to remember. It is so great to watch all of his "first" experiences. We love our boys!!!
Lost the tooth, I'm not sure that whole note thing is leagal with the Fairy?!?
Oh that picture is too funny. Gage doesn't have any loose teeth yet, and until recently, I forgot about that part of childhood. I can't wait for my kids to start experiencing it. My dad told us the Tooth fairy was an 8 foot MALE giant...scared the crap out of us!
So cute, especially right before Christmas, you should film him singing the song. I love your Smores ornments! Those are darling. I love each one is personalized. What a great tradition!
I enjoy reading your blog Lisa. With three sons of my own I can relate to much of what you write about!
That picture is great! My kids are late teethers. My seven year old has only lost two teeth! That's good advice in case we lose a lost tooth. Thanks for the idea for Christmas fun with the family. I think we might have to copy you and do that. I can relate to your youngest loving the snow. Isn't it so fun to watch them discover new things? I think its one of the greatest joys of motherhood!
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