Friday, November 23, 2007

It's Broken :(

The radiology report from Max's accident is in... He has a linear fracture through much of the distal phalanx. You can tell from the picture that it is the finger tip. I have to keep splint on for the next two weeks. Luckily, he is being really cooperative about it all and is very happy. He is such a doll. We love him very, very much. He is such a fun little boy, so sweet all of the time.

Max is the first of our sons to have a broken bone. Hopefully he is the last!!


Beach Girl said...

We hope he gets well soon! Poor Boy :(

kami @ said...

Ouch! I hope it heals fast. No fun.

Sherine said...

Oh I'm so sorry Lisa! He's too cute to have to get hurt. It was great seeing you the other night! What a coincidence huh? Sounds like you had a great thanksgiving:)