Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sorry Kami, but I had to steal your picture.

I cannot believe that next week is Thanksgiving. It seems like it was just summer. Mark and I were talking the other day about how fast time goes now that we are getting older. I don't want my kids to grow up. I tell them all the time that I want them to stay just the way they are - forever!

Today was one of those days that you are in your car for what feels like an eternity. I got ready early this morning and took Max to my sister's house. They are getting ready to start a huge remodel on their home in Sugarhouse. They are tearing out walls, adding rooms in the attic, moving their kitchen and making it larger and making a huge master with a big bathroom. They now all share a tiny bathroom on the main floor. It will be a long process, so they are renting another home in the area. Well, the movers came today to pack up their belongings, so I went to help with my little nephew Charlie who is almost 8 months old. He is so cute and we had so much fun with him. We went for a walk and played with toys and even helped box up a few things. She is cleaning out - so they loaded my Tahoe and her Volvo SUV full of crap for the DI. We were in the drop at the DI for what seemed like forever! There was only one man helping us unload our two cars and there were about 4 cars lined up behind us. I'm sure they weren't happy :)

I am usually home for Max to take his one and only nap during the day. Boy, do I love that time. I can get so much done or be lazy, whatever I want! Well, I drove around for a bit so Max could fall asleep. But, before that I ran to Campo and bought an end table for our family room. I love that place! They have such fun pieces of furniture and not the typical RC Willey stuff that a lot of people have.

So, Max finally fell asleep after a quick lunch of Crown Burger. I had to be at the school to pick up the boys because Will had an eye doctor appointment. I tried to make the boys be quiet, because Max had only been asleep for forty minutes. But, as soon as they slammed their doors shut, he was wide awake!

Will has a lazy eye and has worn glasses for about one year. We tried glasses when he was three and I was supposed to patch his eye for three hours a day. I bought all kinds of patches (sticker patches with pictures, pirate patches) but nothing worked. He wouldn't budge. I gave up! So, after failing his vision test at school in 1st grade, I decided to be a better mom and find a new doctor closer to home. His last was up at Primary Children's and it was so depressing to go up there and a long drive. Well, his new doctor told me about drops that I can put in Will's good eye that actually dialate his eye for two weeks. We've dropped his eye five days out of every week for the past year and it appears to be working. The drops dialate his good eye, so his lazy eye has to work (while wearing glasses).

Right before Halloween, Will misplaced his glasses. We couldn't and still can't find his glasses. We have no idea where they are. So, if we left them somewhere and you've seen them, let us know. They are bound to come up now, because today after his appointment, I bought Will new glasses. I tried to threaten him that he'd get his glasses for Christmas if he didn't find them. Am I mean or what? I just hate forking out $200. I guess they did almost last a year, so that is pretty good for a little boy who leaves them in the grass, on the tramp, in the tree house or on a shelf in the garage. I've found them everywhere! I've called all of the places we like to eat and visit, but nothing! I had them check his prescription to see if it had changed and the doctor ended up having to dialate his eyes. So a 1/2 hour appointment turned into an 1 1/2 hour appointment. Max is so busy, I was ready to ring his neck. Seriously, I wonder why I'm not a size 0 with him around. When he sees me coming to get him, he laughs and runs! He is a total MONKEY!! Last night he was jumping from the ottoman to the couch. Well, I wouldn't call it jumping, more like falling onto the couch. His toes stayed on the ottoman, and he scooted back onto the ottoman on his belly to do it again. He laughs when I chew on his ears and rub my lips on his lips. He is so delectable!

We went a visited my mom at her school, bought Ben new sheets at BBB and stopped by the jeweler to get my rings cleaned. They look so pretty when they are clean. We met Mark for dinner at Barbacoa (one of our faves), went to Harmon's (Mark is on a diet and had to get some stuff for him), and we even got stuck in the evening traffic on I-15. I have to admit that I am so glad that I don't have to drive home in that every day. Mark usually leaves his office at four, so he misses the brunt of it. It was unusually bad today because of an accident on the off ramp. I'm finally home (7:00) after being gone since 9:30 this morning. Crazy day. I hate days like this, but I did get a lot accomplished.

Back on the subject of Thanksgiving. I can't believe that there are people out there with their Christmas lights lit with all of the blow up decor out and up now. It's been that way for about two weeks! I have to admit that our lights are on our house. Mark put them up while he was off in October. But, we haven't even turned them on. Nope, not us, not until the day after Thanksgiving.


Becky, yep said...

WHOA! What a day! i don't love days like that either! Too Hectic! hope today is better!

Sherine said...

You're going to need another vaction after that day. I'm with you about not starting christmas until after thanksgiving... not even one christmas song!

kami @ nobiggie.net said...

I am with you on the Thankgiving thing, it needs its time too. C'mon People!!
I'm flattered you liked that Turkey tan lines pic, it is great! Hey my most recent post is for you, I shared links so you could make mosaics too, because you asked me about them on Kyle's b-day post.