Max and I are taking a mommy and me swimming lesson with Walker Swim Kids. Will and Ben also took lessons from Liz and now it is Max's turn. My sister and Charlie (10 months) are in the class with us. Max loves it. He just laughs and splashes the entire time. Well, except for when Liz takes him for one-on-one time with her. He is such a mommas boy and has separation anxiety. This class is in Holladay. She used to teach at Dive Addicts in Draper, but I don't think she is at that location anymore. Their swimming lessons are amazing. I am a huge proponent of lessons. I think it is so important for kids to learn how to swim and to not be afraid of the water.
While driving to swim, I drove down Highland Drive, right past Cottonwood Mall. The parking lot is in the process of being ripped up. It makes me sad! Those were my old stomping grounds. That used to be THE mall to go to. Remember Contempo (I used to buy underwear there), Accessory Depot, Trenz (my friend Lara worked there), Camp Beverly Hills, going shopping with my grandma to ZCMI and having her buy Karyn and me lunch at the Tiffin Room, or even a hot dog at the snack bar, and the other great stores. I remember walking that mall with my friends, getting a Golden Spoon. Hey, my friend Becky even worked at Hot Dog on a Stick there. I think she must post a picture of herself in that outfit :) She was and is a brave girl! So, so many memories there. I must be getting old. Remember our parents talking about Aeurbacks(sp), now we talk about ZCMI. Holladay is such a sleepy town now. Seriously, there isn't any traffic at all. Not like Draper, which is pure craziness! Maybe we should all move to Holladay. I know, Walker Lane/Cottonwood Lane would be an ideal place to live. I would LOVE it!! I wonder if there is anything in my price range....
Accessory Depot! I LOVED that place-what a great mall/hangout Cottonwood Mall was. I too remember GOlden Spoon-life just isn't the same without it...I bet there are a lot of houses on Walker Lane in your price range hahaha...
LISA! That WAS one of my darkest secrets! Thanks a lot!
From: Anonymous
Becky, is that you???
hey we do swimming lessons with Liz too! well, we did. I have extracted us all from almost every activity, I just couldn't handle it. but summer lessons are just enough for us now. you should move to Holladay, maybe I could see you more often!
and PS there is a Golden Spoon in St. George - you can go for your birthday and maybe capture some of those old time!
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