Just think of the possibilities... I could have posted a close up of the poo if it had been delivered earlier today :)
I really need to stop with the Internet today. Max is severly neglected. Maybe there is a support group I should go to. I can't walk by my laptop without getting on. Crap!
Monday was enough attention and big, huge activity for my kids! Max too!
I had no idea your birthday is soon?!? Happy birthday LISA!
Enjoy your lens!
I'm LOL. We just get sucked in. I am so glad that lense didn't come any sooner.
When is your birthday?
I was reading on Flylady.com trying to get some advice on organizing your day. One of the first things she mentioned was "Don't get distracted by your computer..."
Ooops. I keep trying to just turn it off during the day. Can't do it.
We can go to the same support group!
I'm going to be 33 (AHHHH) on the 19th (Saturday). I'm OLD!
Happy Happy B-day on Saturday! Have a ton of fun in ST. George/Vegas-I am jealous! To answer your questions, my sister can every now and then "sneak" onto a computer and check out my blog, but on a regular basis, no she doesn't have access to a computer. Every mission is different though. Is Mark related to Scott Cannon?
when you find that blogger anonymous group, let me know too. I am typing one handed with Ruby in my lap because I cant' stand her hangin off my pants any more.
Thank goodness you didn't get the lens sooner and we were spared the close up. Your little Max is a cutie.
I think we all are in a bit of a blogaddicition...it's the only thing I'm willing to give up precious sleep time for. Finley is sleeping in my lap as I type right now. Any fun plans for your birthday? I'm excited for your new lens.. I got one for christmas:) If they want us to stop (meaning the husbands) they shouldn't fuel the fire.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I guess I'm technically late saying that since its 3am Sunday. But I hope you had a great day. Can you believe we are 33 this year? Unbelievable!
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