Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Our Favorite Things

Occasionally, our family likes to eat junk food. (Imagine that!) Here we are at Nielsen's Frozen Custard this past weekend. Don't you love Mark's shirt, it has dancing hula girls? My personal favorite is the Snoasis snow cones (with cream, of course). Last year, Mark actually got sick of them, I don't know how that could happen. They are located in the Dan's parking lot on Highland/Ft. Union Blvd. Lacey knows, she's seen us there, but it has been a while. Where have you been? We don't live real close, so we usually get one on our way home. Some of our neighbors thought we were crazy to drive to Cottonwood Heights, just to get a snow cone. But, for those of you who have had one, you know what I mean. I hate giving my kids food in the car, so I just cringe anytime they do. We got a new Tahoe in December, so you know, you try and keep it nice for a while. I had a brilliant idea to get Max just plain snow. Is that mean? He loves it though, and I don't think he notices that there isn't a flavor. A few months ago, I purchased a product that I have been eyeing for years. It makes cleaning my car and home a breeze. When you use it, you'll become addicted to it and spend hours cleaning!!

Max enjoyed his custard!

What are some of your favorite treats?


Sherine said...

I love the plain snow --- I wish they would make more clear foods for kids. suckers... yogurt... ha

Lacey Jane said...

Hi Lisa!

Yummm... I love Snoasis, too. Though, my husband refuses to wait in the-never-ending line. I think I only got 1 Snoasis this entire summer. Boo!

Good thing there's Puddin' Pops!