Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Happy Happy Birthday

My creation

Today is my sweet husband's 33rd birthday. Yes, I am older and he rubs it in every year :) He was born in Seattle, Washington while his parents were finishing up their last year of dental school. He is the best father to our kids and the most loving husband to me. I love him so much and hope that he has the best birthday.

The kids and I made him a cake for his birthday. After seeing Debbie's post about her Red Velvet Cake, I decided to make one for Mark. It is such a great cake, especially when it isn't over cooked. Yes, I used my convection oven and overcooked my cake. I was bummed! It is made with two round cake pans. Well, one of the cakes totally burned, so I ended up just using the one that was somewhat good. You'd think after a couple of years that I'd be used to my oven, but it seems whenever I make this cake, I over cook it. Maybe it's the convection. Maybe I shouldn't cook it quite so long. It seems I do that everytime, but forget to reduce the time the next time. I even attempted to write on his cake, but I was horrible at it. Oh well. Mark is so great, he eats whatever I put in front of him. That is one of the many things I love about him!

Doesn't it look delicious?? I was laughing so hard trying to write the happy birthday Mark. I don't know how cake decorators do it. I usually purchase my cakes at Granite Bakery, and will do so in the future. Hey, at least I tried.

Doesn't Mark look thrilled?

We met Mark for dinner at one of his favorite restaurants, Setebello. The food was delicious and we only had one mishap with the kiddos. Ben decided to spill his drink all over the floor. It is a good thing we were eating with the senior citizens and the restaurant wasn't busy. His employees took him to lunch, so I had Cookies by Design deliver cookies to his office for everyone. I think they were a hit! The kids also had fun making birthday cards. Even Max decorated his own card with cute little scribbles.

Happy Birthday Markie!! I hope you had a wonderful day!!


kami @ nobiggie.net said...

Happy 33 Mark!

Good work on the cake...mmmm red velvet!

Max is Mark reincarnated. Especially that bottom left pic.

Sherine said...

His baby picture looks just like Max!!!!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree about the baby pictures. Cute collage!
(And I've burned a birthday cake or two as well.)

Celia Fae said...

Hey Lisa, thanks for stopping by and saying hello tonight. Shots, they're a useful threat, no?

Baking and I aren't friends. I once made a red velvet cake that was really a white cake that I dyed red because the other recipe was too hard. Nobody could tell the difference.

♥Shally said...

I am older than Zach too. I like to say that that makes me the boss.

The Gatherum Family said...

I was thinking that Max looked like you until I saw the pics of Mark! Holy Cow! I hope Mark had a great birthday-I think your cake looks great :)

kennyandkristin said...

Around 3am this morning, I realized that we didn't call Mark yesterday. We are soooo bad. My days are just running together and I usually don't know what day it is. I am glad that you had a good day. What did you give him? We will call him a little later. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MARK!!!!

Becky, yep said...

Happy Birthday MARK! It's been so good to see you again lately! I hope you had a great day!

wait, is Ben licking Max?
Mmmm, frosting!

supermombritt said...

That top right picture is a little Max if I must say so myself. Your blog is fun to read. You are much more dedicated than I am. I have a goal to update mine once a week. Well maybe at least once a month anyway.

Debbie said...

Happy Birthday, Mark!

Lisa, I got my recipe out and wrote "don't overcook" because I did that also this time. Frosting covers a lot of errors though. Don't give up on it. You can do it again. It is worth it.

Kirkland's said...

Thanks for the laugh tonight, I don't know why I am laughing....perhaps your "Doesn't Mark look thrilled" comment? Dunno. Anyway, I have been wanting to make and EAT a red velvet cake or cupcake for over a year! I'm going to try a gluten free version for Valentines, maybe. Max and Mark are twins!

amanda said...

Love the licking picture...kids.
Happy Birthday to yours truly.

Brooke said...

Happy Birthday Mark!
I love the pictures! Especially the one where Mark is thrilled! I hope he had a great birthday. Those high school pictures take me back. It was fun to see them. I've never tried making a red velvet cake, all that food coloring scares me. Does it make it taste weird or is it delicious despite all the food coloring?

Doug and Lisa said...

Mark, I'll give you $20 if you re-grow that mullet shining brightly in the middle of that "tribute". I can't tell if it's a "rat tail" or a "baby mullet". It looks HOT either way.