Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bean Museum & BYU Earth Science Museum

When I told my mom we were going to the Bean Museum for Will's field trip today, she said, "Is there really a museum about beans at BYU?"

Today I had the opportunity to be with Will on his first 2ND grade field trip. My morning started a little earlier than usual, so I am a little tired this evening. I had to be up and ready before I got Will and Ben up for school. I was able to ride the bus with his class. I was a little hesitant... Last year for his 1st grade field trip, we went to Red Butte Gardens. On the way home, a boy sitting on the seats across the aisle from us, blew chunks. I thought for sure that we were going to have a Stand By Me moment. It was horrible. Throw up rolling all around our feet. Me, my head out the window the whole way home. I felt so bad for the teachers, they had to deal with it. I just got to completely ignore the situation as it was going on next to me, for fear that I would be next. We didn't have an experience like that this time, thankfully!

One of the benefits of going on the field trip was to spend some time with Will, without Ben and Max around. Just some quality time on the bus for the long ride to BYU. Well, this is what happened....

I got the sit by some some cute little girls and Will. They got to choose their groups, and our group consisted mainly of girls and Will. He is already a ladies man, and he is only in the 2ND grade. The little girl in the white hoodie is his good friend. Apparently they play every day together at recess and he wants to call her to have her come play at our house after school. I hesitate. It is cute that they are friends, but I don't think her mom would approve. What do you guys think? I haven't let him call her. I don't want that to start, ever!

These are the kids I was responsible for on our journey today. Mrs. White kept getting mad at my kids on the bus. I felt a little inadequate, not keeping a good enough eye on them. Making sure that they keep "their bottoms on the seat" and "legs and heads out of the aisle". I wonder sometimes why I didn't go into education......


Becky, yep said...

OF COURSE YOU LET HIM CALL THE GIRL. You make a big deal out of it and it will be a big deal. anyway... love field trips with my boys!!! sounds like fun (even if it was about beans!!?!?)

Beach Girl said...

Lisa- I am so impressed with your blog! I love all of your cute stories and pictures. What a great family :) -Haley