Thursday, March 13, 2008

Waiting for Daddy

This is my first video - yeah for me! I've had my Flip since Christmas and haven't posted any videos to my blog. I can't believe it! It was a little difficult. Apparently Google is having some issues and I had to change the case of some words and add some quotes around other things. It's a good thing Google has a help section, otherwise some nice man wouldn't have posted his "fix". I wish I knew HTML, but I'm not that smart! Maybe someday...

Max and I frequently go downtown to visit with Mark and take him to lunch. Our favorite place, as I've mentioned before, is Big City Soup. I had the Corn and Crab and it was delicious!!! We were a bit early and Mark was finishing up his conference call, so I decided to talk to Max. We rolled down the window and opened the sunroof, just enjoying the weather, which is a bit rainy. He was saying "hi" to everyone that passed us. They all smiled and waved. I know that they thought he was the cutest little thing - I could see it in their eyes! Don't listen to my voice. I hate listening to my voice after it's been recorded. But, Max's voice on the other hand is so sweet. I love him so much! Isn't he so smart? I think so! He is really talking up a storm. Mark asked him what he'd been doing this morning and he responded with "ball game". Really! Balls are his favorite!

He has a huge scratch on his nose from Saturday at Red Butte. He is so clumsy and trips a lot, but he's still learning.

I love that it's just the two of us all day long. He is my buddy and a joy to be around. I'm really relishing this time and am not ready to add to our brood yet, but it is a definite possibility in the future.


Becky, yep said...

He IS the cutest thing! I love his huge puppy-paw hands! And his little voice, so sweet!

I think it's funny that you put "I decided to talk to Max" like it takes effort!

ps, you are smart!

kennyandkristin said...

I love the video. Max is getting so big. Soon enough he will be two. Very Cute!!

kami @ said...

Max is so stinkin cute!

Good work on the video. I too hate hearing my own voice.

Kirkland's said...

Alex was just intently watching Max, we need to play! What a smartie!

Debbie said...

Oh, the dimples! I mean it, write a book about this kid!

julib said...

He is so smart! Benj can't name all his parts like that. So sweet and so cute! I agree about being alone all day together. It is a precious time.

Anonymous said...

That was adorable!
"Belly!" was my favorite part.
I remember those one-on-one days with Griffin and I still miss them.
I think my other kids (and I) got ripped off in that department. I guess the trade-of is that they, like your older boys, have a constant playmate growing up with them. Can't have everything, darn it all.
Oh, and I love how you've taught Max that he has "beautiful" hair and teeth. You need a girl, Lisa ;)