Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Poor Will - UPDATE

The Radiologist called us tonight with an update on Will's x-ray. The diagnosis is that there is an apparent lateral sprain and acute mid medial malleolar hairline fracture. We and the doctors are concerned because it is near his growth plate.

I'm not used to broken bones. I am raising three boys - I'd better get used to it! Max's broken finger on Thanksgiving was our first and now this makes two. I wonder how many more??

Our dear neighbor Scott is a Surgery Tech and he called the Orthopedic Surgeon that he works for and he referred us to a doctor in his practice to go to. And, he can see us tomorrow! Their practice is in Park City. Thanks Scott and Nurse Debbie for helping us out!

Will is not excited to get a cast. He said that he doesn't want to go to school with a cast. He is really upset. The office we are going to just did surgery on Tiger Woods, and I mentioned that to Will, hoping that would cheer him up. It didn't work! When I was three, my mom, my sister and I were in a horrible car accident. We were hit head on by a semi truck. I broke my leg and my nickname was "scooter". I tried to comfort Will again with that story, but he didn't want to hear it again. I've already told him that before.

He is overly tired and ornery. I just had Mark help me give him a bath in our bathtub and Will was throwing a royal fit the whole time. If it gets late, Will turns into a little boy I don't really like. He gets really mean! I lay next to him today while Max was napping and was able to take a nap for two hours. That hardly ever happens. Will didn't even sleep. He played DS or on my laptop the whole time. Kids don't take advantage of naps. I wish that someone forced me to nap everyday!!!


kennyandkristin said...

Good Luck tomorrow. As always, please keep us informed. If you are going later in the day, I can help out with Max. Let me know!!

DeDee said...

That is such a bummer...and right before summer starts too! I am glad you are getting him into a good Dr. That will make all the difference! Noah thinks he is invincible. I know it is just a matter of time before we join you.

I totally think we should implement a "siesta" in our country. Wouldn't it be great?

Thanks for the nice meant a lot! Love ya!

♥Shally said...

Good luck! I hope everything turns out well...

KMJ said...

Sorry to hear Mr. Will Cannon is hurt. Guess he won't be at scouts today. I don't know if they are having it, because I haven't heard from his new leaders. Have you Lisa? I hope you read these and respond! Friends and family, tell her to ok?!

Sherine said...

Oh that really stinks lisa! Cooper broke his arm when he was 7 on the tramp. But the summer sleepovers on the tramp? some of my best memories!

julib said...

They probably did force you to nap. I have heard that car accident story a few times too. That is a funny picture you hauling your 8 year old to the bathroom. Hope it heals fast!

Shalice said...

Darn! Just in time for summer....I am sure this is just the beginning of injuries with three boys! Hopefully you have good insurance:)

Familia Bethers said...

Man how awful! Hope all turns out okay for Will, (and you too!) My niece just broke her ankle a couple of weeks ago jumping on their trampoline!

Kristine Tanner said...

Poor thing. Now I know why my husband won't let us get a trampoline! I always wanted one as a kid and now wanted one for my kids, but Brent says no, they are too dangerous. I hope Will will be feeling better soon. It's always hard when your little ones get hurt.