Monday, April 28, 2008

The Blankie

To say that Max love his blankie would be an understatement. Ever since he was a baby, he has slept with his blanket wrapped around his head. I would cover his face with his blanket and he was sure to go right to sleep. He also loves his binky, but I need to get rid of it soon. I only let him have it when he is sleeping and sometimes at church. But, I am quickly learning that the binky doesn't really keep him quiet anymore. He talks around it and sounds like a fool! He is such a monkey!!! We love him so much!


Sherine said...

Oh the blankie!!! Deacon still has his favorite. It's not allowed to leave his bed though...(he is 4 after all) it even has a hole in it but he will NOT let me replace it.

Max looks so cute with it over his head:)

DeDee said...

That is so cute! Zoe was 3 when she finally let go of her binkys (yes, plural). It was a Barbie van that did it for her.

kami @ said...

Such a cutie!

Hey, I thought I would see you last night.

Debbie said...

The last picture of the blanket around is head is a SURE wedding video shot. Priceless.

amanda jane said...

ha - we have those same issues! it is so fun to see them still be so little like that. what a sweetie.

kennyandkristin said...

I do have to say that I loved the blankie trick with him. Just like a little bird, all you had to do is put it over his head and he was asleep. Very Cute!!

Becky, yep said...

I love the blankie! Should we all be so lucky to have such a warm, snuggly source of security!

julib said...

Okay, this may not work for you, but each or our children (around 2) is addicted to the bink. When it is cleary time for the bink to go, we cut of the top and tell them it is broken. They help us throw it away. A few days of crying, and it is over. Good luck!

The Gatherum Family said...

I still have my "pink blankie" all time preserved in plastic that my mom gave me on my wedding day! It is torn to trash but I LOVED it and who knows how long I used it...Max is adorable...

Kirkland's said...

What cute pics of your boys! I am in your same predicament...Alex talks with her binky in also and it drives me nuts. She also has two blankies she can't be without. What to do??? Good luck.

Shalice said...

I love blankies and binkis! I think they are a mother's if you don't want to get rid of the binki yet - don't do it!

Brooke said...

I know I've said it before, but Max is so dang cute!!! We are a binky and blanket family as well. My almost eight year old still sleeps with her blanket! Taking away the binky is never a fun process, we're working on that with Jonah. Good luck!

Cami said...

My kids are the same way. Everywhere we go they have to have their "snuggy". Your little max is so cute. I love his crib bedding.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! None of my kids have ever had an attachment to a doll or blanket and I always thought that was weird. Actually, Anna loved her binky and that was a nightmare to take away. So good luck!