Monday, September 1, 2008

The Bird

This weekend we met our good friends up at Snowbird for a little rest and relaxation. The weather wasn't really going to cooperate with us, which we knew it was going to be rainy. So, while the weather was still nice, we headed up the Tram. It was a little cold at the base, but it was so cold and windy at the top.

This is my cute little family at the top of the tram, Hidden Peak. It is so beautiful up there.

There is a beautiful view of the Salt Lake valley. Luckily it was clear and we were able to get a good picture.

Will, Ben, Josh and Ashley riding the tram to the top.

Max on the tram.

Luckily there was a warming hut at the top. We were able to go in and have some snacks out of the elements. Sarah and Kevin's cute daughters, Addison and Ashley.

Mason, Max and Will in the warming hut.

We walked down the back side of Hidden Peak to a tunnel that they just finished that goes from Mineral Basin to Peruvian Gulch. There is a moving sidewalk, but it wasn't working yet. It could possibly just work during the winter to move skiers.
Here you can see the opening of the tunnel on the Mineral Basin side of the mountain.

Sarah, Addison and Ashley at the opening of the tunnel.

After going through the tunnel, some of us opted to take the lift back down the mountain. Mark, Kevin and Josh were the only tough ones that wanted to brave the 3 1/2 mile hike back down the mountain.

After dinner, the older kids went swimming with Kevin. Max and Mason had a great time playing in the hot tub in their room. I think most of the water ended up on the deck than in the tub. Water was everywhere!

This morning, we were eating breakfast at the Cliff, when suddenly the room went dark. We looked out the windows and literally watched the storm blow in. It was fun to watch the mountains get blanketed with hail and snow. We were just happy that we weren't out in it! We held off on going to Oktoberfest on Sunday, planning on going today. Well, we'll have to make it up there another weekend. Anyone up for a swim or a ride down the Alpine Slide? Not me!


Anonymous said...

It looks like you guys had a great time! I can't believe how much Ashley looks like Sarah! And seeing that snow makes me dread what's coming. I am not ready for that yet...

Overbaugh Family said...

Jason was logged in still, so that was me.. :)

Sherine said...

Tears... tears are welling up in my eyes seeing those pictures of the snow. I'm so not ready for that yet!

Debbie said...

Wow from summer to winter in a day! I can't believe how much Sarah's daughter looks just like her! So Cute.

Diane Burnett said...

Hey Lisa, what a fun weekend!! Enjoy your kids while they still want to do things with the family. We have to force Mckay to go camping with us, then when we go he loves it, but he'd much rather stay home and hang out with friends!

Lynell said...

Yes you do have a cute little family. I love that picture. What a great family outing. We sat here at home and looked at the snow up on the mountain. Wow! 100 degrees one day and snow on the next.

amanda jane said...

another great christmas card picture! beautiful scenery and a darling family.

julib said...

You are gorgeous Lisa! Your hair is getting so long. These pics are so great. You always get so many good ones. Now that school is back in we need to get together again!

DeDee said...

You are getting some seriously good family pics lately! Such a cute family!

Familia Bethers said...

Snow? Already? WOW! Okay first off, Sarah's daughter looks just like her! And she looks great too! So do you!

Anonymous said...

You should use that picture for your Christmas card! It is really good. Is snow really that close to coming? Where's the autumn?